NanoVACQ Air Velocity and Temperature

Measure of temperature and air-flow for drying applications of ceramics, bricks, tiles, food industries

Measure of temperature and air-flow for drying applications of ceramics, bricks, tiles, food industries

Measure of temperature and air-flow for drying applications of ceramics, bricks, tiles, food industries.


  • 1 removeable wing flow sensor


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  • 1 removeable wing flow sensor
  • 1 Platinum sensor at the end of a rigid probe (D.3>1.9 mm (hybrid) or D.3 mm (length upon request between 20 and 100 mm) located at the end of a flexible cable (D. max 5 mm x length upon request between 100 and 1000 mm).

NanoVACQ Ad-Tc

  • 1 removeable wing flow sensor
  • 1 Platinum sensor at the end of a rigid probe D.3>1.9 mm (hybrid) or D.3mm (length upon request between 10 and 120 mm).


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