Minerva presents initiative for developing highly acccurate pressure transducers at EMPIR

On January 18th, our Technical Director Carel Adolfe gave a presentation at a European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) meeting organized by VSL in Delft, the Netherlands.
He presented our initiative to develop a high accuracy pressure transducer in the range till 0,5 Giga Pascal. A clear trend in industry is to elevate process pressures, which also implies the need for calibration setups in higher pressure ranges. Minerva already invested in the design of a fully automated high pressure controller with an innovative and patented control technology. This can be applied by for example the automotive industry, to build more efficient and cleaner diesel engines.
During the development of this pressure controller, we noted the lack of availability of high accuracy pressure transducers in this range. We are ready to use our experience and know-how to participate in the development of such a transducer. EMPIR could be the solution to fund this project.
EMPIR is the main programme for European research on metrology. It coordinates research projects to address grand challenges, while supporting and developing the SI system of measurement units. EMPIR research budget is more than 24 M €, 30% for non-metrology institutes.
VSL, the National Metrology Institute in the Netherlands, organized this meeting to collect information on projects that have the potential to be funded by EMPIR.
Would you like to know more about this initiative? Please contact Carel Adolfse via adolfse@minerva-calibration.com or phone us at +31 33 46 22 000.
januari 21, 2017