Minerva News
Comparing humidity generators
Seven key reasons to choose the 5128A RHapid-Cal Humidity Generator: compared to handheld humidity meters, two pressure generators and portable humidity generators.
Buy a Fluke 2271A Pressure Calibrator and get a free Pressure Module
Promotion: when you purchase a 2271A and at least one PM200 pressure measurement module, you get a free PM200 module, whatever the range*!
Video: how to make accurate pressure measurements with deadweight tester
The right pressure deadweight tester offers laboratory-grade precision and industrial reliability. Watch this video to learn how to make accurate pressure measurements, without a lot of hassle.
Coming up in 2018: the new ISO/IEC 17025 norm
For your agenda: on 8th of March the new ISO/IEC 17025 norm will be introduced. Come to Den Bosch to be informed about the changes and consequences for you!
Our ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation has been extended!
We are very pleased to have received the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation once again. The Raad van Accreditation (RvA), the Dutch institute for accreditation, visited our lab in Amersfoort, audited and accredited our calibration services.
Sale: Fluke ex demo units with up to 30% discount
These Fluke ex demo instruments are now for sale! Please let us know if you are interested in any of them.
Get a Gold Care Plan free when you buy a 5128A Humidity Calibrator
Get a Gold Care Plan free when you buy a 5128A Humidity Calibrator
Trade in your micro bath and receive 20% discount on your new bath!
In the middle of this year, Fluke introduced the new 6109A/7109A Portable Calibration Baths, which have a four times more calibration throughput with twice the accuracy of other Micro Baths. This is a good time to trade-in your old unit for a new 6109A/7109A: receive...
Experiences with the Minerva Portable High Pressure Case
Our Dutch partner Erik Tuinstra from Eurotron Instruments and our Commercial Director Siebe Borger have a joint vision: let’s make things better and easier for the calibration technician in the field.