Minerva is serious about your privacy

As a metrology professional and valued relation of Minerva you want to stay up to date about the latest developments in metrology and state-of-the-art calibration service and systems.
Recently the legislation has been changed, which means you are more in control about your data and with who you share them. Therefore we have taken action and have updated our privacy and cookie statement.
Furthermore, you receive the Minerva newsletter for some time and we respect your privacy. We hope you will like to stay with us and continue to stay up-to-date and carefree.
To send the Minerva newsletter to you we register your name and e-mailadress. If you want to unsubscribe from our newsletter, we delete your data from our database. You can easily unsubscribe at the footer of every newsletter, anytime.
With carefree regards, on behalf of the Minerva team,
Siebe Borger, Carel Adolfse en Henk de Lange
June 13, 2018