Introduction of calibration engineer Ivana Georgievski
A good collaboration to deliver the metrology standard and service a customer expects
This is the 18th article in a series about members of the Minerva team and how they think about Minerva’s core values and contribute to the customer promise: "ensuring carefree traceability".
Minerva is happy to welcome Ivana Georgievski, who started in November as a calibration engineer. Jasper is talking to Ivana about her background, current role at Minerva and experience from Minerva so far.
Taking care for national standards in the laboratory
Can you tell me something about your background? What did you do before you started at Minerva?
I am originally form Macedonia, where I worked for the National Institute of Metrology in the temperature calibration laboratory, for ten years. I was responsible for temperature and humidity. My main responsibilities and activities were taking care for national standards in the laboratory.
After living in Kuwait for five years my family and me moved to The Netherlands. After some job interviews at Dutch companies, I got a recommendation from someone in my network for a job opportunity at Minerva Metrology. I liked the role, had some good job interviews, and the rest is history.
The colleagues are positive and there is a good atmosphere
What can you tell us about your role as a calibration technician in the Minerva team?
I have a lot of basic knowledge of metrology, but I am still learning a lot of my colleagues. I started working with mass calibration and I am calibrating pressure equipment for customers and calibrating the Minerva standards.
What part of your job do you enjoy the most?
I am happy to work in the field of metrology again. I enjoy my job at Minerva, the colleagues are positive and there is a good atmosphere.
At Minerva we work from the customer promise "ensuring carefee traceability". In your opinion, what does Minerva’s promise mean?
In metrology there is a connection between all fields and disciplines in metrology. It is very important to have a good collaboration with your colleagues to deliver the metrology standard and service a customer expects.
I will measure precisely and quickly in order to deliver a correct calibration certificate
What is your personal promise to Minerva’s customers?
I promise that I will measure precisely and quickly in order to deliver the desired result, a correct calibration certificate.
Minerva’s core values are integrity, innovative, skilled, involved and service oriented. Could you give an example of each?
Talking about integrity I always do my best to learn to measure in order to excute the calibrations in my role as a calibration engineer.
Calibration procedures are on a very high level
I am positively surprised about the fact that Minerva uses all kinds of standard pressure equipment. Because of this Minerva can calibrate any type of instrument for our customers. Furthermore, I think that the calibration procedures are on a very high level. I think that is quite innovative if I can compare it with my earlier work in a metrology laboratory.
What makes Minerva skilled, is that the people who work in our laboratory not only have a proper theoretical education, but also have a solid experience from training on the job.
I think at Minerva we are involved. If an urgent calibration is needed because a Minerva customer expects a specific turnaround time, sometimes we stay longer in the laboratory to finish the calibration.
If an instrument does not work properly Minerva can repair first before calibration. I think this is very service oriented because we can send the instrument earlier to customers.
December 15, 2021