We are very pleased to have received the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation once again. The Raad van Accreditation (RvA), the Dutch institute for accreditation, visited our lab in Amersfoort, audited and accredited our calibration services.
How to calibrate natural gas meters? Traditionally natural gas meter calibration can be a tedious job. Reference standards like bell provers consume a lot of space and getting a bell prover calibrated is not easy.
On May 20th we celebrate World Metrology Day! A perfect opportunity to explain the relevance of metrology for transport and showing examples from our daily practice.
On March 30th, the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) JRP 14IND06 3rd annual meeting took place at UTH engineering school in Volos, Greece. Our Technical Director, Carel Adolfse was invited to join the meeting and share his experiences in...
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