Innovating calibration techniques: 3D printing the holder for the gravimetric flow system
On a request from one of our high end customers, Minerva used a new 3D metal printing technique to produce a one-off product part that fits the Fluke Gravimetric Flow System (GFS)

Experiences with the Minerva Portable High Pressure Case
Our Dutch partner Erik Tuinstra from Eurotron Instruments and our Commercial Director Siebe Borger have a joint vision: let’s make things better and easier for the calibration technician in the field.

Minerva and VSL ensure electrical traceability for NMI Ghana
The national metrology institute (NMI) of Ghana, named Ghana Standards Authority, ordered several Fluke products for their new reference standards laboratory in Accra from Minerva. Part of this order were two Fluke 732B Zener Direct Voltage Standards supplied with...
Fast international calibration service for Exova
Read this message from Exova who sent us his 7250xi Fluke pressure controller with advanced precision of 0.005% of reading, as it needed to be repaired.