Minerva News
Coming up in 2018: the new ISO/IEC 17025 norm
For your agenda: on 8th of March the new ISO/IEC 17025 norm will be introduced. Come to Den Bosch to be informed about the changes and consequences for you!
Our ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation has been extended!
We are very pleased to have received the ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation once again. The Raad van Accreditation (RvA), the Dutch institute for accreditation, visited our lab in Amersfoort, audited and accredited our calibration services.
Sale: Fluke ex demo units with up to 30% discount
These Fluke ex demo instruments are now for sale! Please let us know if you are interested in any of them.
Get a Gold Care Plan free when you buy a 5128A Humidity Calibrator
Get a Gold Care Plan free when you buy a 5128A Humidity Calibrator
Trade in your micro bath and receive 20% discount on your new bath!
In the middle of this year, Fluke introduced the new 6109A/7109A Portable Calibration Baths, which have a four times more calibration throughput with twice the accuracy of other Micro Baths. This is a good time to trade-in your old unit for a new 6109A/7109A: receive...
Experiences with the Minerva Portable High Pressure Case
Our Dutch partner Erik Tuinstra from Eurotron Instruments and our Commercial Director Siebe Borger have a joint vision: let’s make things better and easier for the calibration technician in the field.
Minerva expands its R&D and production activities
To focus more on our own product development and our long list of product plans, we have decided to expand our R&D and production activities and search for a new location. From September 1st we are happy to put our new premises into service! One of the strategic...
How to perform infrared thermometer calibrations?
How to perform infrared thermometer calibrations? To assure traceability, you need to calibrate your infrared thermometer regularly. We often receive questions about infrared thermometeer calibrations.
Ensuring quality through internal auditing
Recently, one of our calibration technicians Jim de Rouw performed an internal vertical audit of our calibration process. We have initiated these internal audits this year, in order to keep learning and improving our services to our customers. This vertical internal...