The right pressure deadweight tester offers laboratory-grade precision and industrial reliability. Watch this video to learn how to make accurate pressure measurements, without a lot of hassle.
In the middle of this year, Fluke introduced the new 6109A/7109A Portable Calibration Baths, which have a four times more calibration throughput with twice the accuracy of other Micro Baths. This is a good time to trade-in your old unit for a new 6109A/7109A: receive...
Our Dutch partner Erik Tuinstra from Eurotron Instruments and our Commercial Director Siebe Borger have a joint vision: let’s make things better and easier for the calibration technician in the field.
How to perform infrared thermometer calibrations? To assure traceability, you need to calibrate your infrared thermometer regularly. We often receive questions about infrared thermometeer calibrations.
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