Minerva joins consortium in dynamic pressure and temperature

Minerva joins consortium in dynamic pressure and temperature

  Minerva has started to work with an international consortium funded by the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) to investigate the very challenging field of dynamic pressure and temperature. The overall objective of this consortium...
Minerva’s role in the unification of Europe

Minerva’s role in the unification of Europe

Written by Carel Adolfse. My first contact with the rest of Europe was looking at the European songfestival in 1966. Being a child of 4 year old, I still clearly remember the impressive logo and intro music from our black and white television. Later on in my early...
Serious about ensuring carefree traceability

Serious about ensuring carefree traceability

For companies nowadays it’s getting more and more important to know your customers and know to improve service for them. Last year, Minerva has made some significant steps in becoming more visible and service customers even better. We developed the Minerva brand...

New release of the customer portal

Our new customer portal still is a hidden gem for many Minerva relations. Nevertheless, every day Minerva customers discover the advantages of our customer portal. We are constantly working on enhancing the functionality of the customer portal to give our customers...
New Senior Lab technician & quality team leader for Minerva

New Senior Lab technician & quality team leader for Minerva

We are happy to inform you that the Minerva is enhanced by a new Senior Lab technician & Quality team leader, Mahender Patel. Mahender has worked and lived in England where he studied electrical engineering and has his BTEC national diploma. He recently moved from...
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